Latvian translation of the handbook Hob's Adventure
/We rose to the challenge of showcasing the Latvian translation of the Hob’s Adventure Handbook in the middle of a global pandemic while still making the experience nice and interesting for teachers. We had to change our plans several times as the governmental restrictions were changing daily. Nevertheless, we feel (and the feedback from the teachers agree) that we found the best possible way to present this practical tool for our teachers to explore biodiversity together with children. We organised the seminar in two parts. First part was held over Zoom and we celebrated the release of the Latvian translation of the handbook together with 56 teachers, guests from WWF Latvia and Latvian team a.k.a. co-authors of the handbook.
And for the second part we found ourselves in the bog. In the most innate and unaffected environment where you can experience nature. We were guided through this amazing natural world, told about the species and plants, about the importance and the impact of the bog for the environment we live in and how we can talk with children about the significance of all natural in our lives. Our guides showed us nice examples on how to teach children about biodiversity from the scratch taking bog as an example. They reflected to HOBs handbook and how to adjust the lessons according to the local context, such as a bog. For instance, they showed how to apply the lessons “Leaf herbarium” and “What is hiding in the ground?” among others. As all the lessons are designed to be easily adaptable and as the material is inviting us to use more digital tools, this expedition showed that being and learning outdoors is the best way to get in touch with nature and that we definitely should do it more with children.
After this expedition, teachers were very excited to organise similar events with their students in the nearest future.
Description of the handbook in Latvian:
Šis materiāls ir apkopojums vienkārši piemērojamām nodarbībām par bioloģiskās daudzveidības tēmu bērniem vecumā no 5 līdz 9 gadiem. Aktivitāšu plānos iekļautas tādas mūsdienīgas metodes kā mācīties darot, digitālo rīku izmantošana un projektos balstīta mācīšanās. Nodarbību mērķis ir arī pagarināt ārā pavadīto laiku un vairot bērnu fiziskās aktivitātes mācību laikā.
Materiāls pieejams ŠEIT